20 - 21 November
National Research Centre, Cairo - Egypt
Day 1 - November 20th
6:30 am
7:55 am
Registration & Checkin
8:00 am
8:45 am
Opening and Welcome Ceremony
Prof. Ramy Aziz
Co-Founder of EFMSA
Head of Bioscience Research Laboratories, MARC, Egypt
Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University
Prof. Nahla Mansour
President & Founder of EFMSA
Professor of Microbial Molecular Biology, Pharmaceutical Research and Drug Industries Institute, National Research Centre, Egypt
Prof. Emad Hassan
EFMSA Board Member
Dean of Pharmaceutical Research and Drug Industries Institute, National Research Centre, Egypt
8:45 am
10:20 pm
Session I
Prof. Iman Kamel
Dean of the Medical Research and Clinical Studies Institute
National Research Centre, Egypt.
Prof. Ibraheem Abd El Salam
EFMSA Board Member
Head of Chemistry of Natural and Microbial Products Department
National Research Centre, Egypt.
8:45 am
9:10 am
The Concept of Healthy Microbiome: Myth or Reality?
Prof. Nahla Mansour
President & Founder of EFMSA
Professor of Microbial Molecular Biology, Pharmaceutical Research and Drug Industries Institute, National Research Centre, Egypt
9:10 am
9:40 am
Keynote: The Role of the Immune T Regulatory Cells in Mood Disorder and Alzheimer’s Disease Phenotype as a Therapeutic Target in Altered Gut-Brain Axis Cross-talking
Dr Giulio M Pasinetti
The Saunders Family Chair in Neurology, Professor in Neurology, Professor of Psychiatry, Professor of Geriatric and Adult Development Director, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, U.S.A.
9:40 am
10:05 pm
Microbiome in Intensive Care (CUI): Implications for Critical Care
Dr Doaa Zakaria
Prof. of Hepato-gastroenterology & Clinical Nutrition, ASU
Certified functional medicine practitioner / IFM
President of EFMA
Head of Clinical Nutrition
Al-Galaa Military Medical Complex & Ahl Masr Burn Hospital
10:05 pm
10:15 pm
Biosynthetic Gene Clusters in Superbugs: Biosynthetic gene cluster signature profiles of pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria isolated from Egyptian clinical settings
Dr Laila Ziko
Assistant Professor of Biochemistry, Department of Biochemistry, School of Life and Medical Sciences, University of Hertfordshire
10:15 pm
10:30 pm
Session I - Panel Discussion
10:30 pm
11:00 am
Coffee Break
11:00 am
0:50 pm
Session II
Prof. Nabil Abd el Maksoud
Prof. of Clinical Toxicology and Addiction, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt.
Dr. David Vauzour
Associate Professor in Molecular Nutrition, University of East Anglia,
Norwich Medical School, UK
11:00 am
11:25 pm
Keynote: Unveiling the Dynamics of Breast Milk Microbiome: Impact of Lactation Stage and Gestational Age
Dr Souhaila Al Khodor
Director of Reproductive and Perinatal Health, Sidra Medicine, Qatar
11:25 am
11:50 am
Microbiome and Nutrigenomics
Prof. Neemat Kassem
Professor of Immunology & Molecular Oncology, School of Medicine , Cairo University
11:50 am
0:15 pm
Optimizing therapy for H. Pylori
Prof. Mohammed Aboul-Ezz
Professor of Hepatology and Gastroenterology, Theodor Bilharz Research Institute
0:15 pm
0:25 pm
Integrative Analysis of Gut Microbiota and Metabolic Pathways Reveals Key Microbial and Metabolomic Alterations in Diabetes
Ms Nesma S. Shafie, MSc
Teaching Assistant, College of Biotechnology, Misr University for Science and Technology, Egypt
0:25 pm
0:35 pm
Obesity as inducer of cognitive function decline via dysbiosis of gut microbiota in rats
Dr. Asmaa Ramadan Taha
Researcher in Nutrition and Food Science Department, Food Industries and Nutrition Institute, National Research Centre, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt
0:35 pm
0:50 pm
Session II - Panel Discussion
0:50 pm
1:50 pm
Lunch Break
1:50 pm
2:30 pm
Poster Session
2:30 pm
4:30 pm
Session III
Prof. Ayman El-Shibiny
Director of Center for Microbiology and Phage Therapy (CMP), Egypt
Director of Center of Scientific Excellence for Food Research and Analysis (cSEFRA), Zewail City, Egypt
Dr Annalisa Terranegra
Principal Investigator, Sidra Medicine, Qatar
2:30 pm
2:55 pm
How to conduct a reliable microbiome study when resources are limited?
Prof. Ramy Aziz
Co-Founder of EFMSA
Head of Bioscience Research Laboratories, MARC, Egypt
Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University
2:55 pm
3:20 pm
Artificial Intelligence and Microbiome Insights to Enhance Hospital-Acquired Infection Surveillance in Critical Care & ICU settings
Prof. Naiven Helmy
Associate Professor of Clinical and Chemical Pathology
National Research Center, Egypt
3:20 pm
3:45 pm
Online: Comparative Analysis of Transport Systems in the Human Microbiome: Exploring Their Role in the COVID-19 Immune Response
Dr Hassan Zafar
Postdoc scientist at the Central European Institue of Technology, Brno, Czech Republic
3:45 pm
3:55 pm
Online: Plasmodium falciparum DBLβ12 binding with Human Receptor gC1qR: A Computational
Approach to Target Cytoadherence
Dr. Mohd Rehan
Associate Professor at King Fahd Medical Research Center, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
3:55 pm
4:05 pm
Analysis of Gastric Mucosa Associated Microbiota in Functional Dyspepsia using 16S metagenomics Next-generation sequencing
Dr. Noha Salah Soliman
Associate Professor of Clinical and Chemical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University
4:05 pm
4:15 pm
Exploiting Sewage Sludge Microbiome for Enzymes in Heavy Metal Detoxification and Antibiotic Degradation in Wastewater
Ms Shimaa Farag Ahmed Farag, MSc
PhD student in the American University in Cairo
4:15 pm
4:30 pm
Session III - Panel Discussion
4:30 pm
4:45 pm
Closing Day 1
Day 2 - November 21st
7:30 am
9:10 am
Session I
Prof. Nahla Mansour
President & Founder of EFMSA
Professor of Microbial Molecular Biology, Pharmaceutical Research and Drug Industries Institute, National Research Centre, Egypt
Prof. Giulio M Pasinetti
The Saunders Family Chair in Neurology, Professor in Neurology, Professor of Psychiatry, Professor of Geriatric and Adult Development Director, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, U.S.A.
7:30 am
7:55 am
Microbial Genomics in Action: Advancing Surveillance and Therapeutic Innovation Against Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus
Prof. Mohamed Elhadidy
Professor of Biomedical Sciences and Director of Centre for Genomics, Zewail City of Science, Technology and Innovation
7:55 am
8:20 am
Gut Microbiota as an early biomarker of Graft-versus-Host Disease in Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: the impact of BMI and conditioning regimes
Dr Annalisa Terranegra
Principal Investigator, Sidra Medicine, Qatar
8:20 am
8:45 am
Microbiome risk profiles as biomarkers for inflammatory bowel diseases
Dr Amira Metwaly
Postdoctoral Researcher, Technical University Munich (TUM), Munich, Germany
8:45 am
8:55 am
Role of the Gut microbiome and virome in pediatric idiopathic nephrotic syndrome
Dr. Eman Wehedy Elsayed Abdelsalam
Postdoctoral Fellow, Sidra Medicne, Qatar
8:55 am
9:10 am
Session I - Panel Discussion
9:10 am
9:40 am
Coffee Break
9:40 am
11:45 am
Session II
Prof. Abd el Hamid Hamdy
Chemistry of Natural and Microbial Products Department, National Research Centre, Egypt.
Prof. Nabila Abd El Maksoud
Chairman of the Community Development and Medical Convoys Committee, National Research Centre, Egypt
9:40 am
10:05 am
Reinvigorating Public Health with Phage Therapy: A Targeted Approach to Antibiotic Resistance
Prof. Ayman El-Shibiny
Director of Center for Microbiology and Phage Therapy (CMP), Egypt
Director of Center of Scientific Excellence for Food Research and Analysis (cSEFRA), Zewail City, Egypt
10:05 pm
10:30 pm
Novel strategies to delay brain ageing and cognitive declinethrough the modulation of the microbiota gut-brain axis
Dr David Vauzour
Associate Professor in Molecular Nutrition, University of East Anglia, Norwich Medical School
10:30 pm
10:55 pm
Online: Clinical Translational Microbiome Based Platform
Dr Azzam Kayasseh
Clinical Investigator of Holistic Microbiome Project, Dubai, UAE
10:55 pm
11:20 am
Probiotics in Functional Beverages: The Role of ProBeer in Enhancing Gut Health and Athletic Performance
Mr. Šarūnas George Bačiliūnas
CEO of Integral Solutions
11:20 am
11:30 am
Assessment of the Antibacterial Efficacy of Silver Nanoparticles Based Artemisia annua Against Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Infected Lung Tissues in Albino Rats
Dr. Rania Hamed Elbawab
Medical Laboratory Specialist, Medical Administration, University of Sadat City, Egypt
11:30 am
11:45 am
Session II - Panel Discussion
11:45 am
0:25 pm
Poster Session
0:25 pm
1:25 pm
Lunch Break
1:25 pm
3:15 pm
Session III
Prof. Yasser Hassan Ibrahim
Professor of Environmental Pollution Chemistry, Head of Air Protection from Pollution Unit, National Research Centre, Egypt.
Prof. Mohamed Elhadidy
Professor of Biomedical Sciences and Director of Centre for Genomics, Zewail City of Science, Technology and Innovation, Egypt
1:25 pm
1:50 pm
Probiotic Fermented Dairy Foods Ameliorate Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis
Prof. Fouad Mahmoud
Acting Deputy Head of Dairy Science Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt
1:50 pm
2:15 pm
In Vivo, Evaluation of the Synergistic Effects of Levan, Inulin on Wound Healing in Type 2 Diabetic Animal Models
Prof. Mona Esawy
EFMSA Board Member
Professor of Microbiology Pharmaceutical, Research Division, National Research Centre, Egypt
2:15 pm
2:40 pm
Metagenomic analysis for identification of pathogens in Infective Endocarditis; Case Report
Prof. Mahmoud M. ElHefnawi
Professor and Head of Informatics and systems Department, National Research Centre.
2:40 pm
3:05 pm
Deciphering the Environmental Microbiome: Microbial Dynamics and Adaptations in Response to Global Warming
Dr. Rehab Zohier Abdallah
Assistant Professor of Bioinformatics, Misr University for Science and Technology (MUST)
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Microbiology, The American University in Cairo (AUC)
3:05 pm
3:15 pm
Analysis of Gastric Mucosa Associated Microbiota in Functional Dyspepsia using 16S metagenomics Next-generation sequencing
Dr. Noha Salah Soliman
Associate Professor of Clinical and Chemical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University
3:15 pm
3:30 pm
Session III - Panel Discussion
3:30 pm
4:15 pm
Round Table Discussion
Prof. Nahla Mansour - Prof. Ramy Aziz
Prof. Giulio M Pasinetti
Prof. Souhaila Al Khodor
Prof. David Vauzour
Prof. Ayman El-Shibiny
Prof. Mohamed Elhadidy
4:15 pm
5:45 pm
Closing Ceremony
Prof. Nahla Mansour
President & Founder of EFMSA
Professor of Microbial Molecular Biology, Pharmaceutical Research and Drug Industries Institute, National Research Centre, Egypt